Need Assistance? What is "help!" in Japanese?

In Japanese, "help" can be translated as 助け (たすけ, tasuke) when used as a noun, and 助ける (たすける, tasukeru) when used as a verb.
Another common term is 手伝い (てつだい, tetsudai) for "help" as a noun, and 手伝う (てつだう, tetsudau) for "help" as a verb.
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Here are some example sentences:
助けてください。(たすけてください。tasuketekudasai) "I need help."
"This expression is the most commonly used, and as a Japanese person, it doesn't sound out of place. It can be used both when you need help with a small task at work and in the event of trouble during a disaster."
助けが必要です。 (たすけがひつようです。Tasuke ga hitsuyou desu.) - "I need help."
This expression conveys a greater sense of urgency by stating 'it is necessary.' It is used when involving others and is a more formal expression compared to the one mentioned above.
手伝ってください。 (てつだってください。Tetsudatte kudasai.) - "Please help me."
"This expression uses a different verb compared to the two mentioned above. As the word 'hand' is included, it implies helping mainly with light tasks or work. It is used more in daily life when help is needed, rather than in situations like disaster relief."
When you need help, try using the expressions mentioned above with Japanese people. Kind Japanese people will listen to you attentively.
Writer and Editor: Lio, Japanese career consultant

Lio is a nationally licensed career consultant in Japan. He holds the Level 1 SEO Certification and is a certified web analyst. Born in Japan, he has lived in four countries, gaining an understanding of various cultures while being well-versed in Japan's unique work culture and language. With 25 years of experience in HR at both Japanese and multinational companies, he leverages his expertise to support individuals seeking to work in Japan