How can I make "Rirekisyo"(履歴書)in Japanese?What is Syokumu-Keirekisyo(職務経歴書)?

"Rirekisyo" is a Japanese word

"Rirekisyo" is a Japanese word that translates to "career history book" in English. The word is often used in the context of job hunting for employment in Japan.

In Japan, job hunting is a highly structured and formal process. Job seekers are expected to submit a "rirekisyo,"(履歴書) which is a document that outlines their work experience, education, and other qualifications. Rirekisyo documents are typically much more detailed in general than a traditional resume in the Western or US.

Sample from Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

How long is Rirekisyo(履歴書)?

Rirekisyo documents are often several pages long and include a chronological listing of the job seeker's work experience, along with detailed descriptions of their roles and responsibilities. The document may also include information about the job seeker's educational background, language and IT skills, and other relevant qualifications.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend in Japan toward using more visual and innovative approaches to creating rirekisyo documents. One example is the organization Rirekisyo Japan, which has developed a one-page so-called "career canvas" that presents a job seeker's career history in a visually appealing and easy-to-read format.

While the concept of a "career history" document is not unique to Japan, the use of the term "rirekisyo" (履歴書)is specific to the Japanese language and reflects the country's cultural emphasis on formality and structure in the job hunting process.

What is Syokumu-Keirekisyo(職務経歴書)?

Please be noted that rirekisyo(履歴書) and Syokumu-Keirekisyo(職務経歴書)is totally different. Basically Japanese always make 2 documents and submit them to company.

Syokumu-keirekisyo (職務経歴書) is a type of resume used in Japan that outlines a person's work history and experience. It is an important document when applying for jobs in Japan, as it provides employers with a detailed account of a candidate's past employment.

The syokumu-keirekisyo typically includes the following sections:


Personal Information: This section includes the applicant's name, address, telephone number, and email address.

Objective or Summary: This section outlines the type of job the applicant is seeking.

Work Experience: This section provides a detailed account of the applicant's past employment, including the name of the company, job title, dates of employment, and job responsibilities.

Education: This section lists the applicant's educational background, including the name of the school, major, and degree earned.

Skills: This section highlights the applicant's skills, such as language proficiency or computer skills.

PR points: This section provides a brief description of the applicant's PR or strength points.

Sample from Recruit Agent, Japan

In Japan, the syokumu-keirekisyo is typically expected to be concise and well-organized, and applicants are expected to be truthful and accurate in their descriptions of their work experience and skills. It is also common for job applicants to include a photo of themselves on their syokumu-keirekisyo.


In conclusion, "rirekisyo" is a Japanese word that refers to a comprehensive document outlining a job seeker's career history. It is a key component of the job hunting process in Japan and reflects the country's cultural values of formality and structure. As the job market in Japan continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how the concept of "rirekisyo" continues to adapt and change.

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