Mastering Apologies! What is "sorry" in Japanese workplace?

In a Japanese workplace, apologies(謝罪 shazai )are an important aspect of communication and maintaining harmony. The word for "sorry" in Japanese is "ごめんなさい" (gomen nasai), but there are also more formal and nuanced expressions depending on the situation:
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失礼しました (しつれいしました, shitsurei shimashita) -
Used to apologize for a minor mistake or for causing inconvenience, often translated as "I’m sorry for the inconvenience.This expression is relatively casual, and it's a common habit for humble Japanese people to use it frequently. This expression is used not just to apologize for a mistake, but also when asking someone to make way or before initiating a conversation
申し訳ありません (もうしわけありません, mōshiwake arimasen)
A very formal way to apologize, often used in professional settings to express deep regret or to apologize for a serious mistake.This expression is more formal than the one mentioned above and is used after committing a rude act or making a mistake. It is a moderate apology and is commonly used
お詫び申し上げます (おわびもうしあげます, owabi mōshiagemasu) -
This is a very formal and humble way to apologize, often used in written communication or formal situations.This expression is used when one has committed a significant rudeness or a major mistake, adding a deeper sense of apology compared to the expressions mentioned above. Among the ones listed, it is the most weighted expression of apology
In Japanese business culture, how you apologize can depend on the context, the severity of the mistake, and your relationship with the person you're addressing.
Writer and Editor: Lio, Japanese career consultant

Lio is a nationally licensed career consultant in Japan. He holds the Level 1 SEO Certification and is a certified web analyst. Born in Japan, he has lived in four countries, gaining an understanding of various cultures while being well-versed in Japan's unique work culture and language. With 25 years of experience in HR at both Japanese and multinational companies, he leverages his expertise to support individuals seeking to work in Japan