Basic Japanese

Basic Japanese
How to Say 'Thank You' in Japanese: Essential Tips for Using 'Arigatou' in Japan

When expressing gratitude in Japanese, the most common phrase you'll encounter is "ありがとう" (arigatou). Everyone […]

Basic Japanese
How to say "friend" in Japanese? Navigating Friendships in the Japanese Workplace

What is "friend" in Japanese? Navigating Friendships in the Japanese Workplace

Basic Japanese
Mastering Apologies! What is "sorry" in Japanese workplace?

In a Japanese workplace, apologies(謝罪 shazai )are an important aspect of communication and maintaining harmony […]

Basic Japanese
Need Assistance? What is "help!" in Japanese?

In Japanese, "help" can be translated as 助け (たすけ, tasuke) when used as a noun, and 助ける (たすける, tasukeru) when u […]
