University student employment rate 96% is still high in Japan?

It was found in a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare that University student employment rate 96%,which is 2 points lower than last year due to corona effect.
It was the second lowest rate after 2010, which was affected by the Lehman shock.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, "The new coronavirus has reduced the number of job offers for companies, mainly in the aviation-related and tourism industries.
In the manufacturing and construction industries, where there is not enough manpower, there is a strong demand to hire"
How do you see the 96% figure?

Isn't it still high compared to other countries around the world?
Yes, in Japan, after the corona crisis, Japan is clearly a country with a shortage of human resources.
One of the characteristics of job hunting in Japan is that almost 96% of people have a job after graduating from university.
Is there any problem with a high offer rate?
In fact, a high offer rate is not always beneficial to college students.

In Japan, if you do not get a job immediately after graduating from university, it will be difficult to change jobs after that. If students do not get a job immediately, a blank period will be generated, and this blank period will be regarded as a negative career.
Therefore, Japanese university students get a job whether they like the job position or not.
Therefore, it is said that Japanese university graduates quit the company by 30% in three years. High school graduates leave the company for 40% in three years. This mismatch poses a major challenge to the job market.