How are Japanese people looking for a job?

How are Japanese people looking for a job?

According to, 58% of Japanese tends to use job agent not like business SNS or referral recruitment program.

When asked to men and women between the ages of 22 and 39 who had changed jobs, "Which media or service did you use to conduct your job change activities?", 30% said to choose public employment security office called "Hello-Work" in Japan, followed by 28% "Job agency website".

As a result, it became clear that 58% of all people are using the job search agency to promote job change activities.

転職経験者のうち転職サイトを利用するのは何割!?転職エージェントを利用した約8割が転職に成功している! (

Is Referral recruitment common?

Referral recruitment program is not common in Japan. There are some companies that have started that effort, but it has not become popular in Japan yet.

The reason why this is not still popular is due to the recruitment system of the Japanese company. In most cases, the authority to hire Japanese staff may be held by Human Resources Department to some extent, which is different from US or Western style in which the head of business department has most of the authority to hire.

If the business department has that authority like US cases, it will be more easy for Japanese company to hire anyone for referrals program.

Is business SNS common?

Business SNS such as "linked-in" has some recognition in Japan. However, in Japan, its utilization rate is only about 2%, which is lower than the world average of about 10%.

Why isn't business SNS popular in Japan?

First of all, in Japan, there are very few cases where a job is found using business SNS.

This may be due to the influence of Japanese labor law and practices. Japan is a country that is extremely difficult to dismiss employee. Even the poorest performance employees cannot easily be laid off.

Therefore, it is a huge risk for companies to easily hire people found on business SNS, etc., and they should hire them very carefully based on the recommendations of third-party like job agents.

If you want to change jobs in Japan

If you want to change jobs in Japan, it will be more realistic way to access or meet job agents directly.

In most cases, Japanese career agents have relatively good job positions for you.

The followings are the major job agents we recommend in Japan. Hope this helps for your job hunting in Japan.

1)外国人向け求人サイト|日本で仕事探すならWeXpats Jobs (

Job search website where you can search for jobs from over 20,000 jobs in 11 languages.
You can search for jobs that foreigners can apply for based on conditions such as work location, employment status, and Japanese level.

2)転職エージェントならリクルートエージェント (

Recruit Group's career change agent service

3) 会社概要 | 派遣の仕事・人材派遣サービスはパソナ (

Human resources business at about 50 domestic and overseas companies, a leading company for dispatching human resources.

4) 転職ならdoda(デューダ) - 転職を成功に導く求人、転職情報が満載の転職サイト

A major career change information site operated by Persol Career

If you need global job positions, you can use the following services.

JAC Recruitment(ジェイ エイ シー リクルートメント)公式サイト (

外資系・グローバル企業の転職・求人サイト | []