Do you want to find second job in Japan?

The number of Japanese people doing side jobs has increased. It was also triggered by the reorganization of the model work rules prohibiting side jobs by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

At the time of the survey, 9.8% had side jobs or side jobs. 41.8% of the respondents said they would like to do it in the future, although they have no experience of side jobs or side jobs. In particular, young people in their 20s and 30s have a high rate of implementation and intention to implement side jobs and side jobs.

Recruit Career

【*新設計版】兼業・副業に関する動向調査(2020)概要版 働く個人の9.8%が兼業・副業を実施中 兼業・副業制度あり企業の72.7%が過去3年以内に制度を導入 | プレスリリース | リクルートキャリア - Recruit Career

One in ten Japanese people already have a side job, and two in five seem to want to work in the future.

What kind of side business options do you have in Japan?

1)Apply for a company's side business recruitment

Recently, the number of cases in which companies are recruiting side-business personnel has increased. This is often a business consignment contract, not an employment. You can undertake work with a relatively high hourly wage.

Acceptance of external side-business / side-business personnel (survey for human resources personnel)
We accept external side-business personnel for the purpose of solving labor shortages and acquiring skills and knowledge that are not available within the company. 67.0% of accepting companies started accepting within the last 3 years.

Recruit Career

2)Contribute to society through NPOs

If you are not looking for wages, it is a good idea to belong to an NPO and contribute to society. First of all, it seems that many NPOs accept from member registration.

You can search for Japanese NPOs here

全国NPO法人の検索 | NPOホームページ (

3)Apply for the Pro Bono Project

If you want to show your expertise, not your income! If you want to contribute, the option of pro bono is also good. The service ground is the largest in Japan.

サービスグラント - 「プロボノ」 経験やスキルを活かしたボランティアを始めよう (

4)Find a part-time job

Finding a part-time job may be the easiest side job to work on. The hourly wage is about 1000 yen, but you will be asked to start a part-time job with insufficient manpower from tomorrow.

東京都のアルバイト・バイト求人情報|【タウンワーク】でバイトやパートのお仕事探し (

Please note that if you are employed by a Japanese company, your part-time job will be in double employment status. In this case, troublesome problems such as total working hours and handling in the event of an industrial accident occur. Therefore, it is necessary to note that each company does not have a very good impression.

5)Gig work

Gigwork is increasing all over the world as an easy way to work without being hired. There are various gigwork mediation platforms in Japan as well. You can also use this.

However, not being hired means that there is no compensation for occupational accidents or insurance, and this point needs to be understood.

Uber's home delivery is famous as a labor-related gig work.

【ウーバーイーツ】出前&宅配の総合サイト|近くのお店からお持ち帰りも (

For more specialized and higher hourly wages, you can use Coconala, Japan's largest C2C platform. However, since it is only in Japanese, it will be difficult to use if you cannot use Japanese.

ココナラ - みんなの得意を売り買い スキルマーケット (

ランサーズ | 日本最大級のクラウドソーシング仕事依頼サイト (

クラウドワークス (