Is it okay to consume all of my annual leave in Japan?

Japan is a strange country when it comes to paid leave. Although paid holidays are legally granted to employees, many employees do not use all of them.
"Sorry to interrupt you.. ah.. can i use my paid leave tomorrow?"
Japanese always feel sorry to get paid leave even if this is legal rights to take.
Generally, in most cases, paid leave is given to employees in the range of 10 to 20 days. The remaining paid rights can be carried over only to the next year. However, in general, Japanese people do not try to use all their vacations. I don't use it too much, so the government has mandated five days off.
Can't you use it even if you want to use it?
From the employee's point of view, there seems to be a situation where even if they want to use everything, they cannot use it.
When they actually listen to the live voice, they say, "I don't like being seen by people who are free when I digest everything" and "I don't like being seen as not working seriously."
Isn't this a mysterious phenomenon even from a global perspective?
However, when this happens, foreigners will also want to ask,
"Isn't it possible to digest all the right to vacation in Japan?"

Taking vacations has become more flexible.
Fortunately, getting vacations has become more flexible these days. The government has also begun to recommend taking vacations.
The below is actually big move in Japan
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
From April 2019, for all users "Reliable acquisition of annual paid leave of 5 days a year" is obligatory.
Recently, there have also been attempts to announce the paid acquisition rate and have each company compete. If the paid acquisition rate is close to 99%, it seems to be in the top 10 companies
「有給休暇」の取得率が高い会社トップ200 | 企業ランキング | 東洋経済オンライン | 経済ニュースの新基準 (
Toyota Motor is in 21st place with a three-year average paid acquisition rate of around 92%.
However, competing with companies for such paid acquisition rates is an interesting initiative in the world.
At the end of the fiscal year, each company may make a mysterious shout to its employees,
"Don't come to the company! We will aim for the top in the paid acquisition rate!"
In conclusion, it's perfectly fine in this era to consume all of the annual paid leave in Japan! Let's take paid vacation and go on vacation.(*'▽')