Is corona vaccination mandatory for Japanese people?

Is corona vaccination mandatory for Japanese people? Many foreigners will be worried about this. In conclusion, it's not required. It is left to the degree of freedom of the person. However, on the contrary, even if you want to get a vaccine, the number of young people is still not enough.
However, vaccination is strongly recommended for some medical institutions and those who absolutely need it for business.
Recently, some food and beverage companies "Watami" have been controversial as they have planned to require employees to be vaccinated.
ワタミ/ワクチン接種報道を受けコメント発表 | 流通ニュース (
According to a Japanese questionnaire survey, about 20% of young people(- age39) do not want to get the vaccine.
Some media have said that the recent incident of contamination of the Moderna vaccine may increase the number of vaccination opponents.
「使用中止」要請の前に接種、30代男性2人死亡…異物混入ワクチンと同じ工場製 : 社会 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン (
An increasing number of my colleagues have completed vaccination twice.
However, there are more colleagues than expected who are apparently suffering from side reactions. It has been pointed out that the amount of vaccine based on the Western standard may not be suitable for Japanese people who are small in size. Usually, after vaccination, more and more people are absent from work for a few days.
ワクチン接種後死亡1002人「接種と因果関係」結論づけられず | 新型コロナ ワクチン(日本国内) | NHKニュース
In Japan, more than 1000 people died immediately after vaccination. The government says the causal relationship is unknown. About 15,000 people have died from corona infection, so one in fifteen may have died from the vaccine.
The debate over mandatory vaccination is likely to continue....