

1. "Can you tell us about yourself?"


  • 簡潔に: 自己紹介は短く、要点を押さえましょう。
  • 経歴とスキル: あなたの職歴やスキルを簡潔に説明します。
  • ホテル業界との関連: ニューオータニホテルに関連する経験やスキルを強調します。接客スキル、コミュニケーションスキルなどのポイントが高そうです。

例: "I have been working in the hospitality industry for over five years, with a strong background in customer service and event management. I recently worked as a front desk manager at a five-star hotel where I honed my skills in handling guest inquiries and ensuring a smooth check-in and check-out process. I believe my experience and passion for providing exceptional guest experiences make me a perfect fit for New Otani Hotel."

2. "Why do you want to work at New Otani Hotel?"


  • リサーチ: ニューオータニホテルについて事前に調べ、その魅力や特徴を理解します。
  • 個人的な動機: 自分がこのホテルで働きたい理由を具体的に説明します。
  • 貢献できる点: 自分がどのようにホテルに貢献できるかを述べます。

例: "I am very impressed with New Otani Hotel's reputation for luxury and exceptional service. I am particularly drawn to its commitment to blending traditional Japanese hospitality with modern amenities. I believe my background in both traditional and modern hospitality techniques would allow me to contribute effectively to your team and help maintain the high standards your guests expect."

3. "How do you handle difficult guests?"


  • 冷静さ: 冷静に対応することの重要性を強調します。
  • 問題解決: 問題解決のための具体的な方法を説明します。
  • 過去の経験: 過去の具体的な経験を例に挙げます。アルバイトなどで難しいお客対応をしたなどの例は最適です。

例: "When handling difficult guests, I always remain calm and listen to their concerns without interrupting. I acknowledge their frustration and work quickly to find a solution. For instance, when a guest was upset about a room not meeting their expectations, I promptly offered a room upgrade and a complimentary service, which successfully resolved the issue and ensured their stay was enjoyable."

4. "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"


  • 強み: 強みを強調し、ホテル業務にどう役立つかを説明します。
  • 弱み: 弱みについては正直に述べ、克服するための具体的な取り組みも説明します。

例: "My strengths include excellent communication skills and a strong ability to multitask, which are crucial for managing multiple guest requests simultaneously. One area I am working on improving is my proficiency in Japanese. Although I have a basic understanding, I am taking language classes to become more fluent and provide better service to our Japanese-speaking guests."

5. "Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond for a guest?"


  • 具体的なエピソード: 具体的な例を用いて説明します。
  • 影響: その行動がゲストやホテルにどのようにプラスの影響を与えたかを述べます。
  • 学び: その経験から何を学んだかを説明します。

例: "Once, a guest was celebrating their anniversary, and I noticed they were a bit disappointed with the room they had booked. I coordinated with housekeeping to upgrade their room and arranged for a complimentary bottle of champagne and a personalized card. The guests were extremely touched and expressed their gratitude. This experience reinforced the importance of attention to detail and personalized service in creating memorable guest experiences."



➡見てみる 英語面接完全マニュアル


Lio(りお) キャリアコンサルタント・SEOライター/実績のある日本の国家資格キャリアコンサルタント&行動心理士。大手日系&外資系の会社で人事(HR)歴25年。海外で人事関係の学位取得(Professional diploma)。自らも転職4回&外資系含む大手200社受験経験有り、日本の転職市場を肌で経験。海外子女でありTOEIC900点台をキープ。越境して働く!英語を活かして働く皆様向けにキャリアメディアとレッスンでご支援しております。


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