What is Japanese meeting etiquette and dos / don'ts?
Japan is a country known for its rich cultural heritage and unique working customs like Kaizen(改善)and Aunno-Ko […]
外資系企業において、日本企業受験と同じように自己紹介、PRをしてしまうと、うまく行かないことがあります。外資系企業と、日本企業で求める人材のスペックや、企業文化が違うからです。特に日本企業は、令和時代となった今も、独特の […]
What is Japanese Samurai(侍) Spirit? How to work as Samurai in Japan like Baseball?
What is Samurai spirit? What you image about Samurai now may be Japanese professional baseball team. The Japan […]
How can I make "Rirekisyo"(履歴書)in Japanese?What is Syokumu-Keirekisyo(職務経歴書)?
"Rirekisyo" is a Japanese word "Rirekisyo" is a Japanese word that translates to "career history book" in Engl […]
Why choosing Japan as your second job
Working in Japan can be a unique and enriching experience. The Japanese work culture is known for its strong w […]
Best Coworking spaces and Drop-in working places in Tokyo
Tokyo is a bustling city filled with opportunities for work and exploration. As a hub for international busine […]
Why you should consult with Japanese Career Consultant
Japanese culture places a great emphasis on work and career, with many people pursuing their professions with […]
Wework presence in Japan
WeWork, a global provider of flexible workspace solutions, has expanded to Japan in recent years. The company […]
英語面接!?やばいと思う方 昨今、企業のグローバル化に伴い、急に外資系本社のお偉方が面接に入る=急に英語面接になるという事態が増えています。オンライン化で手軽に面接に入れることもその一因でしょう。 「え!英語面接!?やば […]
就職・転職時に「資格」は強みになるのか? 就職・転職時に「資格」は強みになるのか?と気にされる方がいます。この答えを言いますと、 「確実に資格は強みになります」 資格は強みにならないと答える方は、「資格だけでは、能力が証 […]