Free Japanese mock interview with Japanese

Hello. I'm Lio, a Japanese career consultant. We are practicing interviews in Japanese for free for the first time.

In Japan, where the corona crisis is converging, employment opportunities in Japan are increasing. Japan is a country with a declining birthrate and an aging population, and a labor shortage. If you want to work in Japan, learning Japanese is the minimum requirement.

At Banso Career, a nationally qualified person in a Japanese career, a behavioral psychologist will give you the best advice, taking into account not only your Japanese level but also Japanese culture.

In addition, after the mock interview, we will issue a report on the interview ability diagnosis and also provide career consultation. Since it is done online at Zoom, you can participate from anywhere in the world.

t's a 45-minute gig service, but we promise you a lot to learn.

Please see here for the detail. If you have any questions, please contact us.

If you wish to participate for the second time or later, you will have to pay by Paypal.