Is there any pros to work in Japanese company?
It seems that the number of foreigners who want to work in Japan is decreasing compared to the past. However, […]
Why do 83% of Japanese full-time employees not want to be in managerial positions?
"Do you want to become a manager in the future?" "Do you want to become a manager in the future?" Then more th […]
Do I need a high score in TOEIC in Japan?
Answer is probably "Yes" if you work in Japan. TOEIC is an abbreviation for "Test Of English for International […]
What is Japan's retirement agency service(退職支援代行) that surprises foreigners?
What is unique Japan's retirement agency service that surprises foreigners? As far as I know, there is no such […]
How Bonuses Are calculated in Japan: Will You Receive One?
In Japan, bonuses are a key part of many employees' compensation packages, in addition to their regular monthl […]
Do I need to buy Omiyage(土産) for Japanese colleagues?
What is Omiyage(お土産)? The "souvenir" is originally meaning a local product, and was called "tosan" or "dosan". […]
What is Premium Friday in Japan? Can I go home early?
What is premium Friday in Japan? Premium Friday is a personal consumption promotion campaign initiated by the […]
What is Japan’s Work Style Reform "Hatarakikata-Kaikaku" ?
Is Japan’s Work Style Reform a Success? Japan's work style reform has been a topic of great discussion in rece […]
The top three reasons for changing jobs in Japan
According to DODA(Japanese recruiting service, 2019) the top three reasons for changing jobs for about 100,000 […]
University student employment rate 96% is still high in Japan?
It was found in a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare that University student employment rate […]