What is Burasagashi(ぶらさがり) employee in Japan?
There are so many Buzzwords in Japanese companies 🙂 Japanese companies often say, "He's a hanging(Burasagari ぶ […]
The reason why 2018 is the first year of side business in Japan
Japan has long been a country where side businesses are prohibited in company. Nearly 90% of Japan was employe […]
Why Japanese wages do not rise for 30 years
Average wages have not increased in Japan for 30 yearsMoreover, Japan's average wage, which was the second hig […]
Gig work in Japan is popular enough?
Is gig work popular in Japan? The answer is yes, but many people are reluctant to do gig work. When it comes t […]
Do you want to find second job in Japan?
The number of Japanese people doing side jobs has increased. It was also triggered by the reorganization of th […]
Japan is really a country of bottom-up culture?
The opposite of top-down culture is called bottom-up. Top-down means that the superiors die of decision-making […]
Why participation rate of Tokyo Olympic Volunteers rapidly decline?
While the number of "volunteers" who have left the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games venues and the Olympic V […]
Will Japanese intensively telework during the Olympics?
"To make the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games a safe and secure competition, we will hold Telework Days 2021 […]
What is a agreement(就職協定) bet university and company in Japan?
A employment agreement(就職協定) is a voluntary agreement(not legal binding) regarding the employment of a company […]
What is the difference between a part(ぱーと) and Arbeit(あるばいと)?
Japanese people often say, "I'm going to work part-time(ぱーとに行きます). I'm going to work part-time(あるばいとに行きます)." T […]